Hello and welcome to Dog Days! We are an animated panfandom site, which means characters from your favorite animanga and video games can be brought to life in a brand new world! No one is quite sure how they got here, but as far as they all know there's no way to get home. Might as well take a look around, kids, because the dog days are over.
Latest Update
03/18 The site is open! Please PM KITTY if you see something that needs to be edited.
The Omniplex is a large area that hosts all sorts of activities for people of all ages. The building includes an arcade, movie theater, sports arenas, and different kinds of restaurants. Anything you can think of to do can probably be found here.
SYNTAX is one of the two main technology businesses within Artuven. A group of large buildings on one side of the city is owned by the company, and is where all workers go to perform their different jobs for the group.
On the opposite side of Artuven City are a set of large buildings that rival the size of SYNTAX's own buildings. this is where the company MICROCORP lives to try and beat their competitors on a daily basis.